The bladdermeridian - nourishing your inner resources
The Bladdermeridian is the Yangmeridian of the element water. It is the longest meridian in our body. It represents incitement and adaptability. Provided with sufficient resources we are able to handle requirements and changes in our life smoothly and fluently. But this is exactly our daily struggle.
An exhausted bladdermeridian results in a weakness of our base energy, which is supported by our kidneymeridian (the yinmeridian of the element water). That´s why our energy level often feels impoverished at the end of the day and our back aches. The bladder meridian recharges its batteries during the night when we sleep.
Stress, irregular lifestyle, sleep deficiency and the permanent overflow of stimulants from outside, as well as missing joys of life attack our bladder energy and the water energy generally.
As the bladder energy also embodies our psychological spine and our determination, emotions like fear, jelousy, guilt or repressed sexual desires can have a negative effect. These kinds of emotions are often hidden in the rearmost corner of our mind and we don´t want to acknowledge them. At the same time we represent ourself differently to the world and don´t show our true nature. Such unwelcomed luggage slows us down and deuces our incitement. Additionally the effort hiding ourselves is very exhausting.
Listen to your inner self and ask yourself the miraculous question „What fulfills me with happiness?“
Maybe there are some burried wishes your are longing for a very long time already. Or there is the need for a relaxing afternoon, a good book, moments of silence and stillness, meeting friends or lots of sleep. It doesn´t matter what you need. Try to fulfill your wish and desire. Now ist the exact moment for it!