
In our early stages of life, our meridians are not completely differentiated. They act more like energy bands in our bodies, also called families. In Baby-Shiatsu we work mainly with the 3 families.

The development of humans follows a certain pattern and each baby has his or her own timing and process. Every child finds his or her own strategies in solving challenges and reaching its personal goals. As soon as all developmental principles are embodied they use them to trigger further and more complex movements. They explore their full potential in a very playful and determined way. Those principles are stored within us and are subconciously used on a daily basis.

Baby-Shiatsu supports your baby during her or his development. Depending on the indivdual stage, the use of the different meridian families focus on specific topics.

First Family – Receiving and Demarcation

Your baby learns to get in contact with you as a carer and also realizes his own individuality. He or she learns, that sensation of touch on his or her skin is triggered by an external source. The first family helps your little one to find her or his own center which supports her or his internal and external balance.

Your baby learns that her or his survival is secured, discovers hands and feet and experience the sense of being welcome on this earth and in his or her family.

Second Family – Raising and Conquering the world

Your baby recognizes faces, sounds or objects. You will see the first attempts to raise up by using the forearmbalance, which gives him or her a wider range of vision. This movement is essential for crawling later on.

Your baby starts to communicate with you, which can be very settle and begins with the first eye contact. This early stage of communication contributes already to the language development.

Third Family – Movement and Adaptation

The experience of turning over helps your baby to get in contact with her or his own will. Your little one starts to move around and widens his or her radius of action.

In this developmental stage your baby will be confronted with your needs and wishes and that not everything he or she does is acceptable. Your little one hears the first “NO” and will test the limits of this new boundary.